inSensitive Emotionless eXcursion

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🖋The Sick Rose: A Poem by Willam Blake 

I am mostly a listener, I rarely judge people and that is probably the reason why people feel free to talk to me. I have had talks of all kinds. People in the world of physical pleasure have asked me their doubts given that I have a background in Biology and I study based on concepts so I have been asked questions which I answer scientifically without judgments. Given that background I write this blog since I was made to feel the urgent need to address being thoughtful and concerned for someone we are responsible to welcome in this world.

I have a very clear understanding of things like sexual desire, pleasure, wants and similar things. They are not new, they date back to the start of existence of life and they are natural. During the age where "the internet" was not present everything happened like they happen now, just behind the closed doors. Objectifying women, having several women for one man or vice versa, or high class scandals involving the contrast of rags and riches they all existed as they do now, but since "the internet" was not present, apparently love and childhoods were not ruined at the magnitude they are ruined now. Why I say so let me elaborate. 

I belong to the generation where the sense of globalization and opening up to the world was just introduced and new. And just like we rush to experience all the features of a newly launched mobile, the whole world rushed to experiment and find every new door opening due to the change the internet brought to their lives. With the exponential improvement in technology today we are already living in the future no one could imagine 50 years back. With this opening of a new avenue, we as humans failed to safeguard what was supposed to be treasured like the "dying rose" in Beauty and the Beast. The quality and sense of human civilization was deteriorating already. Today we are almost at the verge of calling ourselves well dressed gadget handling chimpanzees. Because just like them we don't have the sense of what can be shown to a child and what can't. Rather we lost it in the run of becoming future ready. We lost in protecting our future.

This is coming from a person who has seen young minds spoiling as they become addicts of what we call a gateway of pleasure. I am not stating stats but facts, every child, NOT BEING GENDER SPECIFIC, every child has faced some sort of sexual assault from peers or older folks. Prove me wrong if you can. At times they could understand the concept of bad touch we teach other times they just got ignored but it happened. Some curious ones got to see what was never meant to be seen before they could even open their minds to think so what did we create out of them? "Perverted Zombies" No brains to think just the sense of demand, violence, and totally unrealistic scenarios.

Lost in the whirlpool

Emotions rushing with extreme confusion and gloom

Innocent childhood ruined not one's fault

Not knowing whom to blame

The soul not ready to be tamed

Lost in the whirlpool

Engaged with a twirling thread of unknowns.

Who is to blame, just those porn sites? Who pops up their ads even when a child is watching Peppa Pigs on the parent's phone or the parent who forgot to clear cache after having a session of this so called pleasurable times. Majority of childhoods are ruined due to this, if you say they won't understand that's absolutely wrong. Things so cringe they get imprinted on the child's minds and haunt.

I was doing some serious research when I saw innumerable instances of children abused by family members someone they once loved did something horrifying, that now a young child is held captive under depression and trust issues. If a parent is caught in the "deed" it is abuse to the child's mind. I read forums where teenagers aged 13-15 are crying for help, as they find themselves unsafe around their own parents as their parents have turned blind eye towards how they got exposed in front of their kid. Can those parents be a little considerate? Aren't we those parents? Ask yourself will you be good? Will you provide a safe space or are you doing that right now? Have you ever talked to your child about anything like this or have you left it like it's something natural and will be understood on its own?

Now everyone will come with the burning topic of #NormalizeSexEducation. Okay there is a need but are you going to give sex education to a 4-6 year old? Yes, that's the age since a child starts having memories and that's the time when what we have created ruins those memories. Providing sex education becomes secondary rather doing something, creating something safer is the need of the hour which we as adults don't recognize or rather we simply ignore.

Read books you will find detailed sex scenes, open Wattpad the world is full, infact open YouTube and search for fanfictions you will see the craziest things. After entering into a fandom in all my senses I now feel sorry for the artists people say they love and then plot obscene illustrative stories on them and I pity on the young kids who are living in those cringe delusional stories. The fine line between appreciating someone's sexual attractiveness and "oh I want to smack that ass" is wiped off. The beautiful difference between making love and having sex is lost in interpretations. The pleasure of having butterflies is taken over by unhealthy and unnatural lust.

The loss is greater than you think, it's the loss of sense of safety, loss of love, loss of childhoods and loss of brilliant brains and extraordinary talents. There is the existence of movies and videos that have portrayed love and love making in the most divine manner it could. There are books in existence which preaches not just the union of bodies but souls and love that is beyond the explanation of the four letter word we always use but often out of context. The LOVE that has been misunderstood and lost. Who's to blame? Who's to protect?

It was and will always be us.

As I take a step to understand love and a step to trust

All learnings become ambiguous 

As I dwell with different people and different relationships

I question

Is there something called love or is it just a hallucination?

A pleasurable dream created but not true?

I am leaving you all with thoughts to ponder and some really important action items. And the power to stand not to victimize yourself but become a warrior. I know it sounds unpleasant, unrealistic and too selfless for this selfish world. But still we all have one person a younger brother or a sister, or a bestfriend or someone who is a keeper, make sure to be with them talk with them and let them know when they are lost. The power of love is still here within us identification is needed. Relationships need understanding and sharing of everything rather than just bodies. Children need parents who understands and can talk. I am not and never be against pleasure and lust but the involvement of love is must.

Some of you might get offended but I am not sorry for that. See you on a better side. And make sure to help a little mind grow.


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